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This anthology is the very first one to accept a couple of my
short stories. It is a walk down memory lane for the contributing authors, and hopefully for y'all as well.
Helen Pulaski is the compiling author and she very painstakingly
read and edited every story in here. I think she did a great job, and as you wander down memory lane with this collection
of authors from all over the world, maybe some of our worlds will hit home for you, too.

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Romancing the Soul.
My second anthology. This is a collection of stories that hopefully
will finally put to rest the question, "Do soul mates actually exist?"
Dorothy Thompson, the compiling author of this anthology is an
expert on the Soul Mate phenomon, and she has painstakingly selected every story within the pages of this amazing book.
From Avis Townsend's Eli, to Barbara Williamson-Wood's Wolf Spirit,
you have only to read to discover the truth of the existence of soul mates.

Click here to Order.
I submitted two stories to this publications, The Quilt and The Snow Globe. The Quilt is sort of
a ghost story, and The SnowGlobe is ,I don't know how to classify it. Maybe a paranormal? Anyway, I got paid for both of them,
so who cares, right?